…And on the sixth day of overtime, God created …Mothers

God was on his 6th day of overtime, He was creating mothers.

‘You’re fiddling around a lot on this one?’ an angel commented.

God replied, ‘Have you seen the specifications for this order? She’s to have 6 pairs of hands, 18,000 moving parts, run on black coffee, and have a kiss that cures everything from broken legs to disappointing love affairs.’

‘No way!’

‘And the challenging bit,’ God said warming to his theme, ‘Is that she needs eyes to see through doors, eyes in the back of her head and eyes of love which can look at a child who has messed up and say, “I love you anyway.’

The angel said, ‘Lord, you look weary. Take a break.’

‘I can’t,’ God said. ‘I’m close to finishing a creation so very like myself. Already she can heal herself when she’s sick, feed a family on a pound of mince and get a 9-year-old to stand under a shower.’

The angel touched her. ‘She’s soft,’

‘But tough,’ God answered. ‘You can’t imagine what this mother can endure.’

‘Can it think?’ asked the angel.

‘Not only think but reason and compromise,’ God said proudly.

Running its finger down the mother’s cheek the angel said, It has a leak.’

‘That’s not a leak,’ God explained. ‘It’s a tear.’

‘What for?’

‘It’s for joy, sadness, pain, disappointment, loneliness and pride in her off-spring.’

‘Lord, you’re a genius,’ said the angel.

And isn’t he just? 14th March – Mothering Sunday